newsletters Tag

10 Ways to (Not) Suck at Email Marketing

  |   Business Tips, Classy Marketing, Email Marketing   |   26 Comments


A guest post by Kirsten Thompson, blogger & e-newsletter extraordinaire

Hey fellow creatives! I'm honored to be here with you today, and so grateful to Erika for allowing me to share my love of all things "newsletter" with you!

First, let's be honest with one another.

If you're like a lot of bloggers and online business people, you fall into one of these two categories regarding newsletters:

1. You know you need a newsletter, you just don't know where to start.

2. You have a newsletter, but you know you need to kick it up a notch.

Today, I want to share with you 10 ways to absolutely suck at email marketing, and how to make sure you don't.

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Do Obnoxious Pop-Ups Really Work?

  |   Classy Marketing, Reputation, Website Design   |   28 Comments

Do website pop-ups work and should you use them on your website? No, and here's why.

You've heard the sermon on website pop-ups, right?

It's the one that says you simply MUST use pop-up email subscription boxes if you want to build an email list that rivals the population of a mid-size American city.

In six days.

(Okay. I may be exaggerating. Slightly.)

If this sounds new to you, here's a quick recap!

"Pop-ups will increase your subscribers by 20000% percent overnight!"
"Pop-ups will make you filthy rich!"
"You're a nincompoop if you don't use pop-ups!"

(Such a great word. Nincompoop. It reminds me of my childhood Smurf-watching days. :) )

Obviously these pop-up evangelizers are pretty hardcore -- but do jolting, intrusive, unwanted solicitations actually work?

And should you use them to grow your brand?

Let's take a look. ...

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