pop-ups Tag

Do Obnoxious Pop-Ups Really Work?

  |   Classy Marketing, Reputation, Website Design   |   28 Comments

Do website pop-ups work and should you use them on your website? No, and here's why.

You've heard the sermon on website pop-ups, right?

It's the one that says you simply MUST use pop-up email subscription boxes if you want to build an email list that rivals the population of a mid-size American city.

In six days.

(Okay. I may be exaggerating. Slightly.)

If this sounds new to you, here's a quick recap!

"Pop-ups will increase your subscribers by 20000% percent overnight!"
"Pop-ups will make you filthy rich!"
"You're a nincompoop if you don't use pop-ups!"

(Such a great word. Nincompoop. It reminds me of my childhood Smurf-watching days. :) )

Obviously these pop-up evangelizers are pretty hardcore -- but do jolting, intrusive, unwanted solicitations actually work?

And should you use them to grow your brand?

Let's take a look. ...

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